Shaw’s Distribution Upgrade for NFPA 70E Arc Flash Compliance

Shaw Wells Maine Arc FlashSituation

Albertsons, operator of many supermarkets nationally including Shaw's Supermarkets, completed a national arc flash study as required by NFPA 70E. To address the required corrective upgrades needed in the arc flash report, Shaw's relied on Hammond Electric Inc. for their expertise and quality customer service.

Project Overview

Planning & Scheduling:
Arc flash studies are completed to ensure the safety of employees, equipment and facilities. When installing the corrective equipment in Shaw's two main Northeast distribution centers, planning and scheduling was of very high priority. Both facilities operate 24/7 with the exception of weekends when each facility is only down for 2 hours starting at 3a.m.

Both facilities are high volume distribution centers supplying over 100 stores in the Northeast. Avoiding any disruption to operations was paramount, putting additional importance on scheduling and logistics, especially at the smaller Wells facility.

Coordination with local utilities and electrical inspectors was also an important aspect of this project in an effort to avoid disruptions and stay on schedule.

The Electrical Equipment Upgrades:
The Hammond Electric team designed, value engineered and installed the following equipment for the Arc Flash upgrade:

  • Replaced 2- 2,500 AMP main switches in Methuen MA
  • Installed a 3,000 AMP combination main switch / ATS in Wells, Maine along with its associated 3000 amp Generator Docking Station
  • Installed a 800 amp combination main switch / ATS in Wells Maine along with its associated 800 amp Generator Docking Stations
  • Replaced (22) Over Duty, molded case circuit breakers ranging in size from 100 amp to 800 amp.


  • Both New England distribution centers were upgraded to adhere to the latest standards of NFPA 70E for Arc Flash compliance.
  • Shaw's saved over $100,000 as a result of Hammond value engineering and electrical system design.
  • The project was completed avoiding any disruptions to operations.


Hammond Electric is the most reliable team of electricians we have worked with. For over five years, they have consistently demonstrated their adherence to the highest of safety standards, and are knowledgeable and dependable. I know I can count on them.

Al Fucaloro
Facility Manager, Shaw's

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